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Police Department Facts

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Not all accidents are considered reportable by the State of Ohio.

The criteria for a reportable crash are:

  • Damage exceeding $150.
  • Injury or death.
  • Damage to government property exceeding $400.
  • Hit and run.

Vacant and Special Attention Property Watch

If you plan to be away from home, and would like to request a Property Watch, please contact the Dispatch Center at 440-338-1212 and provide pertinent information regarding the length of time you will be away, special instructions regarding who may be on your property, and emergency contact phone numbers.

Nuisance Telephone Calls

It is against the law to use the telephone to annoy or harass someone. If you are receiving annoying calls, contact your telepone service provider and follow their instructions. Then, contact the Police Department to file a report at 440-338-1212.

Vehicle Lockouts

Due to the complex electronic door lock and alarm systems in place today, the Police Department provides vehicle lockout service. Should the Police Department not be able to open a vehicle, you should call a locksmith. The locksmith will charge for the service.